About Jobs
JOBS "Job Orientation Training for Businesses and Schools; Professional orientation - Training in enterprises and schools ”is a project within the Swiss contribution to the enlarged European Union. This project was developed by the Ministry of National Education (MEN), the National Center for the Development of Vocational and Technical Education (CNDIPT) in collaboration with the Center for International Education Projects of the Zurich Pedagogical University (PH Zurich-IPE).
The project started in 2010 with the development of teaching and learning materials, in partnership with two schools from Brasov: Gymnasium School no. 25 and Transylvania Technical College. This pilot phase was funded by the Swiss Lottery Fund with CHF 130,000.
The "Complete Project" phase, which started in 2012 and will end on June 30, 2019, has a budget of CHF 2’489’700, funded by the Government of Switzerland (85%) and the Government of Romania (15%). A number of 180 schools (high schools and high schools / technical, economic colleges, etc.), located in 4 development regions of Romania, joined the project until 2017.
Goals of JOBS:
- Acquire life skills and competences
- Develop a realistic perception of job opportunities available to them in their country.
- Consciously decide which steps to take towards their future career.
The student textbook
The textbook focuses on four areas and four aims
- Life Skills: Students learn about their competences
- Networking: Students get in contact with businesses, companies and public institutions. They learn about jobs on offer in their region.
- The reality of work: Students analyse economic conditions on their area and prepare a project portfolio and presentations.
- Learning by doing: Students do their own research about the jobs suited to them. They visit businesses and present their experiences at the annual JOBS fair at the end of the school year.
The support for teachers
JOBS provides support in terms of training, coaching and access to information via:
- The E-learning platform –- which supports in-service teacher training
- The Teacher Booklet “Supporting active learning” – which provides teachers with useful information about the pedagogical concepts underpinning JOBS and with recommendations for their application in class.
- Close cooperation between schools and business environment has been promoted, and during the project’s implementation, over 945 businesses opened their doors to students, allowing them direct contact with the real labour market. As a consequence of the widespread success of the JOBS project experience and results, starting with the school year 2017-2018 the revised curriculum for gymnasium schools now includes the new subject “Job orientation and personal development”. The last year of the project has as its goals: the continuation of delivering the in-service training course for teachers in another 28 counties, in partnership with the Teacher Houses and the development of an in-service training module in collaboration with “Transylvania University of Brasov”.