180 résztvevő iskola
Románia 21 megyéjéből, 180 iskola támogatja a projektet. Két brassói partneriskolával indultunk: a 25.Általános Iskolával és a Transilvania Technikai Főgimnáziummal. Ezek segítettek eindítani a JOBS projektet. Az évek során, a projektet kiterjesztettük Románia 4 régiójára, és a résztvevő iskolák segítségével 1500 tanárt képeztünk ki, akik 9000 diáknak tanítottak JOBS-t. Azért, hogy a tanulókban egy valós kép alakuljon ki a munka világáról, az iskolák partnerszerződéseket kötöttek a vállalatokkal és így kb.900 céget és intézményt tudtak meglátogatni a diákok.
Colegiul Tehnic de Constructii „Nicolae Vasilescu – Karpen” Bacău
Colegiul Tehnic de Constructii „Nicolae Vasilescu - Karpen” Bacău was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1890
Involved students: 56
Colegiul Economic „Ion Ghica” Bacău
Colegiul Economic „Ion Ghica” Bacău was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1069
Involved students: 49
Colegiul Tehnic „Grigore Cobălcescu” Moineşti
Colegiul Tehnic „Grigore Cobălcescu” Moineşti was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1069
Involved students: 49
Şcoala Gimnazială Frumoasa sat. Frumoasa com. Balcani
Şcoala Gimnazială Frumoasa sat. Frumoasa com. Balcani was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 306
Involved students: 48
Şcoala Gimnazială „Alecu Russo” Bacău
Şcoala Gimnazială „Alecu Russo” Bacău was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 559
Involved students: 60
Școala Gimnaziala Nr. 2 Târgu Ocna
Scoala Gimnaziala Școala Gimnaziala Nr. 2 Târgu Ocna was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 425
Involved students: 32
Liceul Tehnologic „Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt”, Com. Vorona
Liceul Tehnologic „Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt”, Com. Vorona was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1556
Involved students: 28
Colegiul Economic ”Octav Onicescu” Botoșani
Colegiul Economic ”Octav Onicescu” Botoșani was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 853
Involved students: 58
Școala Gimnazială nr.1, com. Ungureni
Școala Gimnazială nr.1, com. Ungureni was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 347
Involved students: 41
Școala Gimnazială nr.2 Botoșani
Școala Gimnazială nr.2 Botoșani was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 468
Involved students: 53
Liceul cu Program Sportiv Botoșani
Liceul cu Program Sportiv Botoșani was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 384
Involved students: 42
Colegiul Tehnic „Ioan C. Ștefănescu”, Iași
Colegiul Tehnic „Ioan C. Ștefănescu”, Iași was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1055
Involved students: 94
Colegiul Agricol și de Industrie Alim „Vasile Adamachi”, Iași
Colegiul Agricol și de Industrie Alim „Vasile Adamachi”, Iași was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 606
Involved students: 28
Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronică și Automatizări, Iași
Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronică și Automatizări, Iași was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 478
Involved students: 80
Liceul Tehnologic Cozmești, comuna Cozmești
Liceul Tehnologic Cozmești, comuna Cozmești was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 473
Involved students: 36
Școala Gimnazială Sirețel, com. Sirețel
Școala Gimnazială Sirețel, com. Sirețel was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started:
Total students: 749
Involved students: 140
Școala Gimnazială „Ion Simionescu” Iași
Școala Gimnazială „Ion Simionescu” Iași was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 785
Involved students: 64
Liceul Tehnologic „Ion Creangă”, com Pipirig
Liceul Tehnologic „Ion Creangă”, com Pipirig was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1305
Involved students: 56
Liceul Tehnologic Economic – Administrativ, Piatra-Neamț
Liceul Tehnologic Economic - Administrativ, Piatra-Neamț was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1150
Involved students: 48
Colegiul Tehnic “Gheorghe Cartianu” , Piatra-Neamț
Colegiul Tehnic "Gheorghe Cartianu" , Piatra-Neamț was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1442
Involved students: 55
Şcoala Gimnazială „I. Gervescu”, com. Săvinești
Şcoala Gimnazială „I. Gervescu”, com. Săvinești was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 387
Involved students: 45
Școala Gimnazială “Daniela Cuciuc”, Piatra-Neamț
Școala Gimnazială "Daniela Cuciuc", Piatra-Neamț was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 747
Involved students: 24
Colegiul Silvic „Bucovina” C-lung Moldovenesc
Colegiul Silvic „Bucovina” C-lung Moldovenesc was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1203
Involved students: 56
Colegiul „Alexandru cel Bun” Gura Humorului
Colegiul „Alexandru cel Bun” Gura Humorului was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1604
Involved students: 96
Colegiul Tehnic „Mihai Băcescu” Fălticeni
Colegiul Tehnic „Mihai Băcescu” Fălticeni was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1545
Involved students: 97
Școala Gimnazială Cornu Luncii
Școala Gimnazială Cornu Luncii was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 506
Involved students: 50
Școala Gimnazială „Bogdan Vodă”, Rădăuți
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 465
Involved students: 52
Școala Gimnazială Ipotești
Școala Gimnazială Ipotești was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 640
Involved students: 53
Liceul Tehnologic „Petru Rareş” Bârlad
Liceul Tehnologic „Petru Rareş” Bârlad was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 875
Involved students: 43
Colegiul Tehnic „Al. I. Cuza” Bârlad
Colegiul Tehnic „Al. I. Cuza” Bârlad was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1324
Involved students: 64
Liceul Tehnologic „Ion Mincu” Vaslui
Liceul Tehnologic „Ion Mincu” Vaslui was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 1198
Involved students: 54
Școala Gimnazială „A. Fătu” Berezeni, com. Berezeni
Școala Gimnazială „A. Fătu” Berezeni, com. Berezeni was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 384
Involved students: 26
Școala Gimnazială “M. David” Negreşti, Vaslui
Școala Gimnazială “M. David” Negreşti, Vaslui was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 745
Involved students: 62
Școala Gimnazială “M. Eminescu” Vaslui
Școala Gimnazială “M. Eminescu” Vaslui was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2015-2016
Total students: 578
Involved students: 49