180 résztvevő iskola

Románia 21 megyéjéből, 180 iskola támogatja a projektet. Két brassói partneriskolával indultunk: a 25.Általános Iskolával és a Transilvania Technikai Főgimnáziummal. Ezek segítettek eindítani a JOBS projektet. Az évek során, a projektet kiterjesztettük Románia 4 régiójára, és a résztvevő iskolák segítségével 1500 tanárt képeztünk ki, akik 9000 diáknak tanítottak JOBS-t. Azért, hogy a tanulókban egy valós kép alakuljon ki a munka világáról, az iskolák partnerszerződéseket kötöttek a vállalatokkal és így kb.900 céget és intézményt tudtak meglátogatni a diákok.

Școala Gimnazială ,,Simion Lazăr” Lunca Mureș

Școala Gimnazială ,,Simion Lazăr” Lunca Mureș was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 210

Involved students: 60

Școala Gimnazială Miraslău

Școala Gimnazială Miraslău was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 58

Involved students: 26

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Școala Gimnazială ,,Axente Sever” Aiud

Școala Gimnazială ,,Axente Sever” Aiud was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 672

Involved students: 54

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Liceul Tehnologic Ocna Mureș

Liceul Tehnologic Ocna Mureș was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 187

Involved students: 66

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Liceul Tehnologic Sebeș

Liceul Tehnologic Sebeș was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 613

Involved students: 83

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Colegiul Tehnic ,,Dorin Pavel” Alba Iulia

Colegiul Tehnic ,,Dorin Pavel” Alba Iulia was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 350

Involved students: 54

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Colegiul Tehnic ,,Alexandru Domșa” Alba Iulia

Colegiul Tehnic ,,Alexandru Domșa” Alba Iulia was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 583

Involved students: 84

Colegiul Economic ”Dionisie Pop Marțian” Alba Iulia

Colegiul Economic ”Dionisie Pop Marțian” Alba Iulia was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 642

Involved students: 83

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Liceul Tehnologic Râşnov

Liceul Tehnologic Râşnov was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 243

Involved students: 120

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Liceul Tehnologic „Dr. Av. Ioan Senchea” Făgăraș

Liceul Tehnologic „Dr. Av. Ioan Senchea” Făgăraș was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 418

Involved students: 128

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Colegiul pentru Agricultura si Industrie Alimentara „Tara Barsei” Prejmer

Colegiul pentru Agricultura si Industrie Alimentara „Tara Barsei” Prejmer was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 283

Involved students: 95

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Colegiul Tehnic “Simion Mehedinti” Codlea

Colegiul Tehnic “Simion Mehedinti” Codlea was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 468

Involved students: 126

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Liceul Tehnologic Silvic “Dr. Nicolae Rucareanu” Brasov

Liceul Tehnologic Silvic “Dr. Nicolae Rucareanu” Brasov was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 310

Involved students: 106

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Colegiul National Economic “Andrei Barseanu” Brasov

Colegiul National Economic “Andrei Barseanu” Brasov was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 982

Involved students: 145

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Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi Brașov

Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi Brașov was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 466

Involved students: 142

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Colegiul Tehnic „Maria Baiulescu” Brasov

Colegiul Tehnic „Maria Baiulescu” Brasov was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 518

Involved students: 149

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Colegiul National „Aprily Lajos” Brasov

Colegiul National „Aprily Lajos” Brasov was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 684

Involved students: 182

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Școala Gimnazială nr.14 Brașov

Școala Gimnazială nr.14 Brașov was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 899

Involved students: 133

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 19 Brașov

Școala Gimnazială nr. 19 Brașov was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 816

Involved students: 140

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 31 Brașov (Colegiul Tehnic Energetic „Remus Răduleț”)

Școala Gimnazială nr. 31 Brașov (Colegiul Tehnic Energetic „Remus Răduleț”) was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 379

Involved students: 158

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 5 SĂCELE

Școala Gimnazială nr. 5 SĂCELE was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 1058

Involved students: 156

Școala Gimnazială GHIMBAV

Școala Gimnazială GHIMBAV was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 380

Involved students: 102

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Școala Gimnazială Vama Buzăulu

Școala Gimnazială Vama Buzăulu was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 200

Involved students: 108

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Școala Gimnazială PREJMER

Școala Gimnazială PREJMER was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2012-2013

Total students: 452

Involved students: 10

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Colegiul Tehnic “Transilvania”Brașov

Colegiul Tehnic “Transilvania”Brașov was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2011-2012

Total students: 445

Involved students: 177

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Școala Gimnazială nr.25 Brașov

Școala Gimnazială nr.25 Brașov was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2011-2012

Total students: 817

Involved students: 158

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Școala Gimnazială ”Gaal Mozes” Baraolt

Școala Gimnazială ”Gaal Mozes” Baraolt was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 504

Involved students: 71

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Școala Gimnazială ”Petofi Sandor” Targu Secuiesc

Școala Gimnazială ”Petofi Sandor” Targu Secuiesc was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 488

Involved students: 76

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Școala Gimnazială ”Tatrangi Sandor” Ozun

Școala Gimnazială ”Tatrangi Sandor” Ozun was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 240

Involved students: 91

Școala Gimnazială ”Vegh Antal” Cernat

Școala Gimnazială ”Vegh Antal” Cernat was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 157

Involved students: 52

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Liceul Tehnologic ”Kos Karoly” Sfantu Gheorghe (Liceul Tehnologic Puskás Tivadar)

Liceul Tehnologic ”Kos Karoly” Sfantu Gheorghe (Liceul Tehnologic Puskás Tivadar) was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 181

Involved students: 70

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Liceul Tehnologic ”Berde Aron” Sfantu Gheorghe

Liceul Tehnologic ”Berde Aron” Sfantu Gheorghe was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 407

Involved students: 81

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Liceul Tehnologic ”Apor Peter” Targu Secuiesc

Liceul Tehnologic ”Apor Peter” Targu Secuiesc was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 426

Involved students: 125

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LiceulTehnologic ”Baroti Szabo David” Baraolt

LiceulTehnologic ”Baroti Szabo David” Baraolt was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 501

Involved students: 66

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Liceul Tehnologic “Tivai Nagy Imre”

Liceul Tehnologic “Tivai Nagy Imre” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 417

Involved students: 64

Colegiul Tehnic “Bányai János” Odorheiu Secuiesc

Colegiul Tehnic “Bányai János” Odorheiu Secuiesc was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 500

Involved students: 96

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Liceul Tehnologic Corbu

Liceul Tehnologic Corbu was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 421

Involved students: 80

Liceul Tehnologic “Zeyk Domokos”Cristuru Secuiesc

Liceul Tehnologic “Zeyk Domokos”Cristuru Secuiesc was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 266

Involved students: 79

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Liceul Tehnologic “Sövér Elek”, Joseni

Liceul Tehnologic “Sövér Elek”, Joseni was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 472

Involved students: 84

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Școala Gimnazială Majláth “Gusztáv Károly” Lunca de Jos

Școala Gimnazială Majláth “Gusztáv Károly” Lunca de Jos was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 138

Involved students: 63

Școala Gimnazială “József Attila”, MiercureaCiuc

Școala Gimnazială “József Attila”, MiercureaCiuc was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 753

Involved students: 43

Școala Gimnazială “LiviuRebreanu”, Miercurea Ciuc

Școala Gimnazială “LiviuRebreanu”, Miercurea Ciuc was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 383

Involved students: 76

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Școala Gimnazială Augustin Maior Reghin

Școala Gimnazială Augustin Maior Reghin was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 853

Involved students: 121

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Școala Gimnazială Deaj

Școala Gimnazială Deaj was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 211

Involved students: 51

Școala Gimnazială Bahnea

Școala Gimnazială Bahnea was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 237

Involved students: 91

Școala Gimnazială ”Mihai Viteazul” Tg. Mureș

Școala Gimnazială ”Mihai Viteazul” Tg. Mureș was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 777

Involved students: 79

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Liceul Tehnologic ”Gheorghe Șincai” Tg. Mureș

Liceul Tehnologic ”Gheorghe Șincai” Tg. Mureș was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 687

Involved students: 160

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Liceul Tehnologic ”Ioan Bojor” Reghin

Liceul Tehnologic ”Ioan Bojor” Reghin was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 517

Involved students: 91

Colegiul Economic ”Transilvania” Tg.Mureș

Colegiul Economic ”Transilvania” Tg.Mureș was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 730

Involved students: 88

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Şcoala Gimnazială Roşia

Şcoala Gimnazială Roşia was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 157

Involved students: 57

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Liceul Tehnologic „Johannes Lebel” Tălmaciu (Şcoala Gimnazială Tălmăcel)

Liceul Tehnologic „Johannes Lebel” Tălmaciu (Şcoala Gimnazială Tălmăcel) was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 112

Involved students: 35

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Şcoala Gimnazială nr. 3 Cisnădie

Şcoala Gimnazială nr. 3 Cisnădie was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 373

Involved students: 57

Şcoala Gimnazială „Nicolae Iorga” ..Sibiu

Şcoala Gimnazială „Nicolae Iorga” Sibiu was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 1455

Involved students: 193

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Liceul Tehnologic „Automecanica” Mediaş

Liceul Tehnologic „Automecanica” Mediaş was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 282

Involved students: 126

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Liceul Tehnologic „Avram Iancu” Sibiu

Liceul Tehnologic „Avram Iancu” Sibiu was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 282

Involved students: 78

Colegiul Tehnic „Independenţa” Sibiu

Colegiul Tehnic „Independenţa” Sibiu was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 478

Involved students: 76

Colegiul Tehnic Energetic Sibiu

Colegiul Tehnic Energetic Sibiu was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2014-2015

Total students: 514

Involved students: 56

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