
180 schools involved

We are already delighted to have the support of 180 schools in 21 counties in Romania. All started with two partner schools the Gymnasium School No. 25 (Sc. 25) and the Technical College Transylvania (CTT) in Brasov. Those schools helped us to implement the JOBS project from the beginning. Over the years the project extended in four regions over Romania and all the schools helped us to educate more than 800 teachers with the JOBS programme and thus teach JOBS to more than 9,000 students. In order to give students a realistic picture of the world of work, schools have entered into partnerships with businesses and approx. 900 companies and institutions have opened their doors for students' exploration visits.

Colegiul Tehnic de Constructii „Nicolae Vasilescu – Karpen” Bacău

Colegiul Tehnic de Constructii „Nicolae Vasilescu - Karpen” Bacău was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1890

Involved students: 56

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Colegiul Economic „Ion Ghica” Bacău

Colegiul Economic „Ion Ghica” Bacău was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1069

Involved students: 49

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Colegiul Tehnic „Grigore Cobălcescu” Moineşti

Colegiul Tehnic „Grigore Cobălcescu” Moineşti was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1069

Involved students: 49

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Şcoala Gimnazială Frumoasa sat. Frumoasa com. Balcani

Şcoala Gimnazială Frumoasa sat. Frumoasa com. Balcani was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 306

Involved students: 48

Şcoala Gimnazială „Alecu Russo” Bacău

Şcoala Gimnazială „Alecu Russo” Bacău was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 559

Involved students: 60

Școala Gimnaziala Nr. 2 Târgu Ocna

Scoala Gimnaziala Școala Gimnaziala Nr. 2 Târgu Ocna was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 425

Involved students: 32

Liceul Tehnologic „Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt”, Com. Vorona

Liceul Tehnologic „Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt”, Com. Vorona was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1556

Involved students: 28

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Colegiul Economic ”Octav Onicescu” Botoșani

Colegiul Economic ”Octav Onicescu” Botoșani was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 853

Involved students: 58

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Școala Gimnazială nr.1, com. Ungureni

Școala Gimnazială nr.1, com. Ungureni was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 347

Involved students: 41

Școala Gimnazială nr.2 Botoșani

Școala Gimnazială nr.2 Botoșani was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 468

Involved students: 53

Liceul cu Program Sportiv Botoșani

Liceul cu Program Sportiv Botoșani was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 384

Involved students: 42

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Colegiul Tehnic „Ioan C. Ștefănescu”, Iași

Colegiul Tehnic „Ioan C. Ștefănescu”, Iași was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1055

Involved students: 94

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Colegiul Agricol și de Industrie Alim „Vasile Adamachi”, Iași

Colegiul Agricol și de Industrie Alim „Vasile Adamachi”, Iași was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 606

Involved students: 28

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Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronică și Automatizări, Iași

Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronică și Automatizări, Iași was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 478

Involved students: 80

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Liceul Tehnologic Cozmești, comuna Cozmești

Liceul Tehnologic Cozmești, comuna Cozmești was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 473

Involved students: 36

Școala Gimnazială Sirețel, com. Sirețel

Școala Gimnazială Sirețel, com. Sirețel was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started:

Total students: 749

Involved students: 140

Școala Gimnazială „Ion Simionescu” Iași

Școala Gimnazială „Ion Simionescu” Iași was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 785

Involved students: 64

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Liceul Tehnologic „Ion Creangă”, com Pipirig

Liceul Tehnologic „Ion Creangă”, com Pipirig was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1305

Involved students: 56

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Liceul Tehnologic Economic – Administrativ, Piatra-Neamț

Liceul Tehnologic Economic - Administrativ, Piatra-Neamț was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1150

Involved students: 48

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Colegiul Tehnic “Gheorghe Cartianu” , Piatra-Neamț

Colegiul Tehnic "Gheorghe Cartianu" , Piatra-Neamț was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1442

Involved students: 55

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Şcoala Gimnazială „I. Gervescu”, com. Săvinești

Şcoala Gimnazială „I. Gervescu”, com. Săvinești was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 387

Involved students: 45

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Școala Gimnazială “Daniela Cuciuc”, Piatra-Neamț

Școala Gimnazială "Daniela Cuciuc", Piatra-Neamț was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 747

Involved students: 24

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Colegiul Silvic „Bucovina” C-lung Moldovenesc

Colegiul Silvic „Bucovina” C-lung Moldovenesc was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1203

Involved students: 56

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Colegiul „Alexandru cel Bun” Gura Humorului

Colegiul „Alexandru cel Bun” Gura Humorului was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1604

Involved students: 96

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Colegiul Tehnic „Mihai Băcescu” Fălticeni

Colegiul Tehnic „Mihai Băcescu” Fălticeni was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1545

Involved students: 97

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Școala Gimnazială Cornu Luncii

Școala Gimnazială Cornu Luncii was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 506

Involved students: 50

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Școala Gimnazială „Bogdan Vodă”, Rădăuți

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 465

Involved students: 52

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Școala Gimnazială Ipotești

Școala Gimnazială Ipotești was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 640

Involved students: 53

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Liceul Tehnologic „Petru Rareş” Bârlad

Liceul Tehnologic „Petru Rareş” Bârlad was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 875

Involved students: 43

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Colegiul Tehnic „Al. I. Cuza” Bârlad

Colegiul Tehnic „Al. I. Cuza” Bârlad was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1324

Involved students: 64

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Liceul Tehnologic „Ion Mincu” Vaslui

Liceul Tehnologic „Ion Mincu” Vaslui was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 1198

Involved students: 54

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Școala Gimnazială „A. Fătu” Berezeni, com. Berezeni

Școala Gimnazială „A. Fătu” Berezeni, com. Berezeni was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 384

Involved students: 26

Școala Gimnazială “M. David” Negreşti, Vaslui

Școala Gimnazială “M. David” Negreşti, Vaslui was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 745

Involved students: 62

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Școala Gimnazială “M. Eminescu” Vaslui

Școala Gimnazială “M. Eminescu” Vaslui was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2015-2016

Total students: 578

Involved students: 49

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