180 schools involved
We are already delighted to have the support of 180 schools in 21 counties in Romania. All started with two partner schools the Gymnasium School No. 25 (Sc. 25) and the Technical College Transylvania (CTT) in Brasov. Those schools helped us to implement the JOBS project from the beginning. Over the years the project extended in four regions over Romania and all the schools helped us to educate more than 800 teachers with the JOBS programme and thus teach JOBS to more than 9,000 students. In order to give students a realistic picture of the world of work, schools have entered into partnerships with businesses and approx. 900 companies and institutions have opened their doors for students' exploration visits.
Colegiul Tehnic ”Edmond Nicolau”
Colegiul Tehnic ”Edmond Nicolau” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 120
Involved students: 20
Colegiul Tehnic ”Gheorghe Asachi”
Colegiul Tehnic ”Gheorghe Asachi” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 733
Involved students: 333
Colegiul Tehnic ”Dinicu Golescu”
Colegiul Tehnic ”Dinicu Golescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2017-2018
Total students: 246
Involved students: 26
Colegiul Tehnic ”Mircea cel Bătrân”
Colegiul Tehnic ”Mircea cel Bătrân” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 365
Involved students: 26
Colegiul Tehnic de Aeronautică ”H. Coandă”
Colegiul Tehnic de Aeronautică ”H. Coandă” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 314
Involved students: 28
Colegiul Tehnic Media
Colegiul Tehnic Media was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 878
Involved students: 50
Colegiul Economic ”Virgil Madgearu„
Colegiul Economic ”Virgil Madgearu„ was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 1252
Involved students: 31
Colegiul Economic Viilor
Colegiul Economic Viilor was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 1650
Involved students: 26
Colegiul Tehnic ”Costin Nenițescu”
Colegiul Tehnic ”Costin Nenițescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 588
Involved students: 30
Colegiul Tehnic ”Petru Maior”
Colegiul Tehnic ”Petru Maior” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 402
Involved students: 30
Colegiul Tehnologic ”Grigore Cerchez”
Colegiul Tehnologic ”Grigore Cerchez” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 487
Involved students: 30
Colegiul Tehnic ”Carol I”
Colegiul Tehnic ”Carol I” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 640
Involved students: 25
Colegiul Tehnic ”Mihai Bravu”
Colegiul Tehnic ”Mihai Bravu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 558
Involved students: 20
Colegiul Economic ”C. Kirițescu”
Colegiul Economic ”C. Kirițescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 883
Involved students: 46
Colegiul Tehnic ”Anghel Saligny”
Colegiul Tehnic ”Anghel Saligny” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2017-2018
Total students: 937
Involved students: 25
Colegiul Tehnic ”Miron Nicolescu”
Colegiul Tehnic ”Miron Nicolescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 106
Involved students: 28
Colegiul Tehnic Mecanic ”Grivița”
Colegiul Tehnic Mecanic ”Grivița” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 539
Involved students: 17
Liceul Teoretic ”Ștefan Odobleja”
Liceul Teoretic ”Ștefan Odobleja” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 381
Involved students: 30
Liceul Tehnologic ”Theodor Pallady”
Liceul Tehnologic ”Theodor Pallady” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 527
Involved students: 23
Liceul Nikola Tesla
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 402
Involved students: 43
Liceul Tehnologic ”I.C. Brătianu”
Liceul Tehnologic ”I.C. Brătianu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 395
Involved students: 28
Școala Superioară Comercială ”N. Kretzulescu”
Școala Superioară Comercială ”N. Kretzulescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 890
Involved students: 28
Școala Gimnazială ”Mihai Botez”
Școala Gimnazială ”Mihai Botez” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 296
Involved students: 30
Şcoala Gimnazială ”Grigore Ghica Voievod”
Şcoala Gimnazială ”Grigore Ghica Voievod” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 498
Involved students: 25
Școala Gimnazială ”Alexandru Costescu”
Școala Gimnazială ”Alexandru Costescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 293
Involved students: 25
Școala Gimnazială ”Maica Domnului”
Școala Gimnazială ”Maica Domnului” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 606
Involved students: 105
Şcoala Gimnazială ”George Călinescu”
Şcoala Gimnazială ”George Călinescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 225
Involved students: 25
Școala Gimnazială ”Principesa Margareta”
Școala Gimnazială ”Principesa Margareta” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 527
Involved students: 32
Școala Gimnazială nr. 168
Școala Gimnazială nr. 168 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 613
Involved students: 26
Școala Gimnazială nr. 167
Școala Gimnazială nr. 167 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 125
Involved students: 29
Școala Gimnazială nr. 163
Școala Gimnazială nr. 163 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 700
Involved students: 27
Școala Gimnazială nr. 162
Școala Gimnazială nr. 162 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 224
Involved students: 23
Școala Gimnazială nr. 153
Școala Gimnazială nr. 153 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 181
Involved students: 21
Școala Gimnazială nr. 149
Școala Gimnazială nr. 149 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 344
Involved students: 19
Școala Gimnazială nr. 143
Școala Gimnazială nr. 143 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 26
Involved students: 268
Școala Gimnazială nr. 131
Școala Gimnazială nr. 131 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 1058
Involved students: 24
Școala Gimnazială nr. 126
Școala Gimnazială nr. 126 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 128
Involved students: 28
Şcoala Gimnazială nr. 124
Şcoala Gimnazială nr. 124 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 275
Involved students: 30
Școala Gimnazială nr. 117
Școala Gimnazială nr. 117 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 1693
Involved students: 30
Școala Gimnazială nr. 4
Școala Gimnazială nr. 4 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 179
Involved students: 62
Liceul Tehnologic ”Barbu Ştirbey”, Buftea
Liceul Tehnologic ”Barbu Ştirbey”, Buftea was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 312
Involved students: 28
Liceul Tehnologic ”Dumitru Dumitrescu”, Buftea
Liceul Tehnologic ”Dumitru Dumitrescu”, Buftea was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 825
Involved students: 29
Liceul Tehnologic ”Nicolae Bălcescu”, Voluntari
Liceul Tehnologic ”Nicolae Bălcescu”, Voluntari was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 460
Involved students: 25
Şcoala Gimnazială Glina
Şcoala Gimnazială Glina was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 321
Involved students: 22
Scoala Gimnazială ”Ioan Bădescu”, Popeşti Leordeni
Scoala Gimnazială ”Ioan Bădescu”, Popeşti Leordeni was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2017-2018
Total students: 680
Involved students: 30
Școala Gimnazială nr. 1, Cornetu
Școala Gimnazială nr. 1, Cornetu was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.
Project started: 2016-2017
Total students: 595
Involved students: 21