
180 de scoli implicate

Suntem foarte multumiti că avem sprijinul a 180 de scoli localizate in 21 de judete din Romania. Am pornit cu doar doua scoli partenere din Brasov: Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 25 (Sc. 25) si Colegiul Tehnic Transilvania (CTT). Aceste scoli ne-au ajutat sa implementam proiectul JOBS inca de la inceput. Peste ani, proiectul s-a extins în 4 regiuni din Romania, iar toate scolile implicate ne-au ajutat sa instruim peste 2.200 de profesori prin cursul de formare continua JOBS, profesori care au predat JOBS la peste 9.000 de elevi. Pentru a-i face pe elevi sa aiba o imagine realista asupra lumii muncii, scolile au incheiat parteneriate cu intreprinderile si aprox. 900 de companii si institutii si-au deschis portile pentru vizitele de explorare ale elevilor.

Colegiul Tehnic ”Edmond Nicolau”

Colegiul Tehnic ”Edmond Nicolau” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 120

Involved students: 20

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Colegiul Tehnic ”Gheorghe Asachi”

Colegiul Tehnic ”Gheorghe Asachi” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 733

Involved students: 333

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Colegiul Tehnic ”Dinicu Golescu”

Colegiul Tehnic ”Dinicu Golescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2017-2018

Total students: 246

Involved students: 26

Colegiul Tehnic ”Mircea cel Bătrân”

Colegiul Tehnic ”Mircea cel Bătrân” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 365

Involved students: 26

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Colegiul Tehnic de Aeronautică ”H. Coandă”

Colegiul Tehnic de Aeronautică ”H. Coandă” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 314

Involved students: 28

Colegiul Tehnic Media

Colegiul Tehnic Media was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 878

Involved students: 50

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Colegiul Economic ”Virgil Madgearu„

Colegiul Economic ”Virgil Madgearu„ was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 1252

Involved students: 31

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Colegiul Economic Viilor

Colegiul Economic Viilor was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 1650

Involved students: 26

Colegiul Tehnic ”Costin Nenițescu”

Colegiul Tehnic ”Costin Nenițescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 588

Involved students: 30

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Colegiul Tehnic ”Petru Maior”

Colegiul Tehnic ”Petru Maior” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 402

Involved students: 30

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Colegiul Tehnologic ”Grigore Cerchez”

Colegiul Tehnologic ”Grigore Cerchez” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 487

Involved students: 30

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Colegiul Tehnic ”Carol I”

Colegiul Tehnic ”Carol I” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 640

Involved students: 25

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Colegiul Tehnic ”Mihai Bravu”

Colegiul Tehnic ”Mihai Bravu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 558

Involved students: 20

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Colegiul Economic ”C. Kirițescu”

Colegiul Economic ”C. Kirițescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 883

Involved students: 46

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Colegiul Tehnic ”Anghel Saligny”

Colegiul Tehnic ”Anghel Saligny” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2017-2018

Total students: 937

Involved students: 25

Colegiul Tehnic ”Miron Nicolescu”

Colegiul Tehnic ”Miron Nicolescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 106

Involved students: 28

Colegiul Tehnic Mecanic ”Grivița”

Colegiul Tehnic Mecanic ”Grivița” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 539

Involved students: 17

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Liceul Teoretic ”Ștefan Odobleja”

Liceul Teoretic ”Ștefan Odobleja” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 381

Involved students: 30

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Liceul Tehnologic ”Theodor Pallady”

Liceul Tehnologic ”Theodor Pallady” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 527

Involved students: 23

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Liceul Nikola Tesla

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 402

Involved students: 43

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Liceul Tehnologic ”I.C. Brătianu”

Liceul Tehnologic ”I.C. Brătianu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 395

Involved students: 28

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Școala Superioară Comercială ”N. Kretzulescu”

Școala Superioară Comercială ”N. Kretzulescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 890

Involved students: 28

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Școala Gimnazială ”Mihai Botez”

Școala Gimnazială ”Mihai Botez” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 296

Involved students: 30

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Şcoala Gimnazială ”Grigore Ghica Voievod”

Şcoala Gimnazială ”Grigore Ghica Voievod” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 498

Involved students: 25

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Școala Gimnazială ”Alexandru Costescu”

Școala Gimnazială ”Alexandru Costescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 293

Involved students: 25

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Școala Gimnazială ”Maica Domnului”

Școala Gimnazială ”Maica Domnului” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 606

Involved students: 105

Şcoala Gimnazială ”George Călinescu”

Şcoala Gimnazială ”George Călinescu” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 225

Involved students: 25

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Școala Gimnazială ”Principesa Margareta”

Școala Gimnazială ”Principesa Margareta” was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 527

Involved students: 32

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 168

Școala Gimnazială nr. 168 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 613

Involved students: 26

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 167

Școala Gimnazială nr. 167 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 125

Involved students: 29

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 163

Școala Gimnazială nr. 163 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 700

Involved students: 27

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 162

Școala Gimnazială nr. 162 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 224

Involved students: 23

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 153

Școala Gimnazială nr. 153 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 181

Involved students: 21

Școala Gimnazială nr. 149

Școala Gimnazială nr. 149 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 344

Involved students: 19

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 143

Școala Gimnazială nr. 143 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 26

Involved students: 268

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 131

Școala Gimnazială nr. 131 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 1058

Involved students: 24

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 126

Școala Gimnazială nr. 126 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 128

Involved students: 28

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Şcoala Gimnazială nr. 124

Şcoala Gimnazială nr. 124 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 275

Involved students: 30

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 117

Școala Gimnazială nr. 117 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 1693

Involved students: 30

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Școala Gimnazială nr. 4

Școala Gimnazială nr. 4 was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 179

Involved students: 62

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Liceul Tehnologic ”Barbu Ştirbey”, Buftea

Liceul Tehnologic ”Barbu Ştirbey”, Buftea was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 312

Involved students: 28

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Liceul Tehnologic ”Dumitru Dumitrescu”, Buftea

Liceul Tehnologic ”Dumitru Dumitrescu”, Buftea was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 825

Involved students: 29

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Liceul Tehnologic ”Nicolae Bălcescu”, Voluntari

Liceul Tehnologic ”Nicolae Bălcescu”, Voluntari was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 460

Involved students: 25

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Şcoala Gimnazială Glina

Şcoala Gimnazială Glina was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 321

Involved students: 22

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Scoala Gimnazială ”Ioan Bădescu”, Popeşti Leordeni

Scoala Gimnazială ”Ioan Bădescu”, Popeşti Leordeni was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2017-2018

Total students: 680

Involved students: 30

Școala Gimnazială nr. 1, Cornetu

Școala Gimnazială nr. 1, Cornetu was involved in the JOBS- Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools.

Project started: 2016-2017

Total students: 595

Involved students: 21

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