Our Team

Liliana Preoteasa
Strategic management
Liliana Preoteasa has advanced studies in Mathematics and has been for more than 15 years director general for pre-university education, with responsibilities in policy development, organization of national exams, curriculum development and implementation, school inspection, school competitions and extracurricular activities etc.
She is presently director of the Unit for the Management of Externally Financed Projects (UMEFP) in the Ministry of National Education, responsible for implementation of the 200 million Euro project ROSE, financed through a loan from the World Bank. The main project objective is to improve transition from upper secondary education (high school) to tertiary (higher) education and increase retention in the first year of higher education. The UMEFP is also responsible for implementation of 2 components of the PRET Project (Project for the reform of early education) , dedicated to early childhood development and care, financed through a loan from Development Bank of the Council of Europe.
Liliana Preoteasa has been involved in strategic management of the JOBS Project since its beginning in 2012.

Mihaela Tania Irimia
Operative management
Mihaela Tania Irimia, with advanced studies in Economical Sciences and Electrical Engineering, is the General Director of Early, Primary and Secondary Education General Department within the Minnistry of National Education. She had successfully fulfilled responsibilities in the field of education policy, quality insurance in pre-university education, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the pre-university national system of education and curriculum design.
Mihaela Tania Irimia is also a member of the Management Team of the Strategic Project funded by European Social Fund: RCQE (Relevant Curriculum to Quality Education) and represents Romania in the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) users group, at European Commission level.
Mihaela Tania is involved in the operative management of the JOBS project since its beginning in 2012.

Tania Mariana Mihu
Project management
Tania Mariana Mihu is a Romanian professional who worked in scientific research, central public institutions, university, and international organisations.
With sound knowledge and vast experience in sustainable development, evaluation and management, Tania Mariana Mihu acted for decades as national coordinator of projects and programmes financed by United Nations Development Programme, World Bank and Global Environment Facility.
Tania was involved in JOBS project since its design phase (2009) and, after the project approval, she coordinates the project implementation in Romania and provides financial management for the Swiss contribution.

Corinna Borer
Project management
Dr. rer. nat., with a degree in biotechnology and neuroscience, is scientific assistant at the Department International Projects in Education since 2012 and works as project manager for cooperation projects in Ukraine, Romania and the Republic of Moldova. With a sound education in project management and development cooperation, she is responsible for networking, establishing cooperation, project implementation, steering, monitoring and reporting to donors. Corinna Borer is involved in the project JOBS Romania since 2012 starting the implementation phase and works in close cooperation with the Romanian management team and stakeholders

Zoica Elena Vladut
Operative management
Zoica Elena Vladut, - holding a PhD in Economic - is a Romanian professional with significant experience in Institutional and Project Management, Vocational Education and Training (VET) and International Relations in VET.
She was the deputy director of the National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (NCTVETD) in Romania (January 1999- March 2018).
She acted as executive manager, from the Romanian side, of the JOBS project, and coordinator of the continuous teacher training programme (2014- 2018).

Felicia Sandulescu
Operative management
Felicia Ioana Sandulescu joined the National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (NCTVETD) team in May 2007 and over more than 10 years she coordinated the activity of this institution for the Bucharest-Ilfov development region and she was the manager of a series of project with a deep impact on the development of technical and vocational education in Romania, especially of the dual vocational training system.
Felicia Sandulescu is the Romanian coordinator of Working Sub-group IV b). Vocational education and training, managing the activity undertaken within the Cooperation Agreement between Romania and Baden Württemberg, Germany. She represents Romania in the Governing Board of CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) and in the Working Group on VET of the European Commission.
In JOBS project, Felicia Sandulescu coordinated the activity at the Bucharest Ilfov region until April 2018 and afterwards she ensures the proper implementation of the JOBS project on behalf of NCTVETD.

Dana Stroie
Deputy director of the teachers’ training programmes “JOBS – Counselling and career guidance” and since 2020 the Deputy Director of CNDIPT
Dana Stroie is an experienced professional with key strengths in formulating strategies for education and training and in initiating and delivering successful high scale projects to improve the education and training systems. She has spent most of her career working in the field of vocational education and training.
Dana is involved in the development of the initial VET in Romania, including the coordination of the elaboration and implementation of the Romanian VET Strategy 2016-2020. At European level, she is member of the Directors General for VET (DGVT), Advisory Committee for VET (ACVT), Steering Committee of the European Quality Assurance Network for VET (EQAVET).
Dana is the deputy director of the teachers’ training programmes accredited by the Ministry of Education “JOBS – Counselling and career guidance”.

Wiltrud Weidinger
Prof. Dr. phil., Head of Center for Teaching and Transcultural Learning
Works as a professor for international education and knowledge transfer in the management, project design and planning as well as implementation, evaluation and counselling at the Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland. Her qualifications include a doctorate in Education and a Master's degree in Education/Psychology of the University of Vienna, a Master of Science in Education (School Psychology) from the City University of New York. As a project leader for various educational projects in Europe she is familiar with the SEE educational systems and project implementation mechanisms. Her research expertise includes self-competences and transversal skills of adolescents and children, putting a focus on vulnerable groups. As an author of various textbooks and teaching materials she developed the JOBS teaching materials together with the JOBS project team.

Rolf Gollob
Prof. Dr. h.c, was a class school teacher before studying cultural anthropology at Zurich University
After some years of research, he became a lecturer at Zurich University of Teacher Education, focusing general didactics and teaching methodology, on democracy education and intercultural pedagogy. Since 1996 he has worked as an expert in human rights and civic education all over the world. With his experience as author of various textbooks and teaching materials he also supported actively the development of the JOBS teaching materials together with the JOBS project team and he trained teachers and teacher trainers in Romania for the subject.

Matthias Borer
Head of Secondary school
With much teaching practice and being a principal for a long time Matthias Borer is specialised in teaching development and counselling in the education field. In his school the teachers specially take care of job orientation, life skills and student participation.

Hannes Schaad
Head of part time studies and lecturer at Zurich University of Teacher Education
Expertise in teacher’s training for vocational orientation on the Secondary School I. Member of the JOBS project team (development, implementation, counselling).

Martin Keller
Prof. lic. phil., belongs to the teaching staff of Zurich University of Teacher Education
Before, he was a teacher at secondary level for 16 years, then he got a Master’s Degree in Education/Psychology. He works in the field of in-house in-service training and is a consultant for schools who want to develop their teaching and learning culture. He is an expert in student-centered learning, cooperative and task-based learning, and in implementing curriculums and portfolios at regional and school level. He is author as well as trainer in the JOBS project for more than seven years.